Vision Board Playshop

Come play with the Universe and create a vibrational tool for manifesting the essence of your dreams.

Two Sundays: April 11 and April 18

At 11am-12:30pm Eastern US and CA

At 18:00-19:30 Eastern European (Helsinki)

Clarity mapping & choosing your personalized focus
One major Skype or WhatsApp session per week with me
Energy support every day (no need to coordinate)
Playsheets: Journaling, exploring, healing
Email support: Questions answered

The Process: Play with the Universe and shift your story
Neutralizing emotional charge of limiting programs and old stories
Your intuition and guidance system: Discernment and trust
Conscious Choice: Clarity, Vision, Inspiration, Confidence, Freedom, Trust, Peace
Integration: Inner Child – Divine Feminine & Masculine – Wise Woman & Man
Self-Containment: Trusting your intuition and infinite creative power as the storyteller of your life

Are you ready to play?

Here’s how it works

I am here for you as a coach, inspirer and a sounding board, so that you can learn to fully trust yourself to play with the Universe. I am here to guide you to clarity and to your own knowing, so that you can shift your story and be free, at peace and on purpose.

Let’s talk to make sure we are a perfect match to play with the Universe together.

Our initial meeting doesn’t obligate you in any way. It is my gift to you.

  1. Please answer some questions on your life to begin opening the playfield.
  2. We set up your complimentary virtual/live meeting, which is like an open door, already by itself an opportunity to shift.
  3. Then, if you so choose, we play with the Universe and shift your story!

Your New Life: Priceless

Payment plan available for the 6-month coaching.

1-month Creative Coaching Process $497 US (norm. $597 US)

3-month Creative Coaching Process $1397 US (norm. $1497 US)

6-month Creative Coaching Process $2597 US (norm. $2797 US)

©Copyright - Ulla Suokko | WiseWoman, Lahti, Finland | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions |

"WiseWoman® Energetics" is a complementary mentoring and consulting service and uses complementary energetic healing tools. It is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.
Photo Credits - Homepage Mirkku Merimaa; About Ulla, Buy Book, Free Resources Adriana Peralta
WiseWoman® is a registered trademark of Ulla Suokko

*"VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust.