Vision Board Playshop
Come play with the Universe and create a vibrational tool for manifesting the essence of your dreams.
Two Sundays: April 11 and April 18
At 11am-12:30pm Eastern US and CA
At 18:00-19:30 Eastern European (Helsinki)
Clarity mapping & choosing your personalized focus
One major Skype or WhatsApp session per week with me
Energy support every day (no need to coordinate)
Playsheets: Journaling, exploring, healing
Email support: Questions answered
The Process: Play with the Universe and shift your story
Neutralizing emotional charge of limiting programs and old stories
Your intuition and guidance system: Discernment and trust
Conscious Choice: Clarity, Vision, Inspiration, Confidence, Freedom, Trust, Peace
Integration: Inner Child – Divine Feminine & Masculine – Wise Woman & Man
Self-Containment: Trusting your intuition and infinite creative power as the storyteller of your life